Everything you need to know about going to therapy as a teenager.

know about therapy as a teenager

As a therapist specialising in teenagers, I’ve been through the therapy journey with many clients hundreds of times. The hardest part about being a therapist for teenagers with mental health difficulties is that the teens aren’t always the easiest to talk to. Here are a few things need to know about going to therapy as a teenager.

When I started my career as a therapist, I was surprised by how much of my time was spent trying to get the kids to open up. It felt like every day was a battle, and it took so much energy!

But then I realised something: you’re not supposed to be able to talk easily with someone who’s struggling with mental health issues. That person isn’t just going through something that makes them feel sad or angry; they’re also going through something that makes it difficult for them to be vulnerable, open up, and tell you what’s happening inside them. I now understand the importance of remembering that every client is different. What they’re going through is unique; my job is to help them navigate their situation and find their own answers.

So if you are a struggling teenager, here are a few things you should know.

  • First, you need to know that it’s not your fault.
  • Many things can be difficult for teenagers, and sometimes we don’t have the skills or knowledge to deal with them in the best way. That’s where I come in. I’m here to help you figure out how to deal with everything that’s going on in your life, so you can get back to doing what matters most: being a teenager! 
  • The second thing you need to know is that I’m not here to judge you. I won’t tell your parents what’s going on in your life, and I promise not to use any information you share with me against you or anyone else. You may feel like no one else can understand what it’s like being a teenager today, but that’s not true!

When working with clients, I always ask them what they want to get out of therapy and what they hope to achieve.

Why do I do this? Because you need to know what you’re aiming for! It helps keep you on track, and it will help me guide you toward your goal.

I know that some people fear that setting goals means putting pressure on themselves or feeling like something must be wrong with them if they don’t achieve them. That’s why we need to discuss these things and ensure we’re on the same page about the success of our sessions together.

Setting goals is an excellent way for us both to stay accountable throughout the process and ensure that everything moves in the right direction!

Here are some of the typical stages of therapy:

1) The first meeting is where we get to know each other, and I learn about your concerns and goals. Then, we’ll discuss what brought you to therapy and what you hope to accomplish.

2) Forming a treatment plan – Together, we’ll decide on a treatment plan that suits your needs best. You can start with one therapy or several different types if that benefits you!

3) Working together – Every session will differ depending on what we’re working on for that week or month. Still, generally, each session will have an element of collaboration between us both to ensure we’re progressing toward our goal together!

4. I listen and help you through their struggles with mental health issues by talking about your problems and then giving you a different perspective, helping you see how you can solve those problems yourself or find other ways of dealing with the issue at hand if you are unable to solve it yourself.

5. I also help you by giving you some self-care techniques that you can use when feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by life’s circumstances so that you don’t get overwhelmed or depressed by those things anymore because those things happen all the time in life so we need coping mechanisms in order not get depressed over them anymore because then we won’t be able to function properly anymore which could lead us into depression even more than before which could cause more pain on both sides of this equation (the client and myself).

As a therapist for teenagers with mental health difficulties, I take pride in the fact that I help my clients achieve their goals.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a client come back to me after completing their therapy and say, “I just want to thank you for helping me get through this.” It’s an experience that is both rewarding and humbling, and it’s made even more so because I have so much respect for my clients’ courage and tenacity in overcoming some of life’s most difficult challenges.

But what happens once a client has completed therapy? What happens next?

When clients complete therapy, they do not leave with a magic wand that will make all their problems disappear. They do not suddenly become perfect or happy people who never have problems or difficulties again. Instead, they leave knowing how to deal with their issues healthily, allowing them to live productive lives free of fear and anxiety.

What does it feel like once my clients have reached their goals? 

It feels like a relief from the burden of carrying around all those burdensome thoughts and feelings on their shoulders daily. It feels like hope for a brighter future where they can live their lives to the fullest and be happy. It feels like freedom—freedom from the worry, fear, anxiety, and stress holding them back from living up to their full potential.

As a therapist for teenagers with mental health difficulties, I have seen a lot of pain in the eyes of my clients. However, I have also seen them learn to cope and grow from their experiences. I would love to help your teenager overcome the obstacles they are facing. 
If you want to learn more about how we can work together, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me today!